In this post I outline one way to simulate a four stroke Inline Internal Combustion Engine (IICE) with realistic and performant procedural audio. The engine core utilizes fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, classical dynamics, and (should you deviate from the above), high school chemistry.

Applications include, but are not limited to, game development vehicular audio and physics:

Defining Piston Kinematics

An inline piston’s movement is constrained by its vertical axis. Updating a piston’s theta (in radians) updates the piston pin’s y position (in meters) and its bearing x and y position (in meters). The conrod (connecting rod) length (in meters) and crank throw (in meters) are effectively constants.

struct piston
    double pin_x_m;
    double pin_y_m;
    double bearing_x_m;
    double bearing_y_m;
    double theta_r;
    double conrod_m;
    double conrod_crank_throw_m;

The piston updates with an applied angular velocity (in radians per second). The delta radians applied to the piston’s theta is determined by the time step which is effectively the inverse of a common audio sampling rate of 44100 Hz.

#define DT_S (1.0 / 44100.0)

update_position(struct piston* self, const double angular_velocity_r_per_s)
    self->theta_r += angular_velocity_r_per_s * DT_S;
    self->bearing_x_m = self->conrod_crank_throw_m * sin(self->theta_r);
    self->bearing_y_m = self->conrod_crank_throw_m * cos(self->theta_r);
    self->pin_x_m = 0.0;
    self->pin_y_m = sqrt(pow(self->conrod_m, 2.0) - pow(self->conrod_crank_throw_m * sin(self->theta_r), 2.0)) + self->conrod_crank_throw_m * cos(self->theta_r);

Defining the Otto Cycle

The piston provides engine torque by igniting a compressed air fuel mixture. This process is known as the Otto cycle:

A: Piston inlet opens.
B: Piston chamber expands. Cool atmospheric air draws in.
C: Piston inlet closes.
D: Piston chamber compresses. Air temperature and pressure raises due to compression.
E: Fuel is injected. Air to Fuel ratio is then roughly 14.7 parts air to 1 part fuel.
F: Air Fuel Mixture is combusted, creating a downwards force on the piston head.
G: Downwards force creates torque, causing the piston chamber to expand, cooling the piston gas and lowering pressure.
H: Piston outlet opens. Hot piston air expels to the atmosphere.
I: Piston outlet closes.

The cycle repeats. The four strokes of an IICE are then defined as:

A + B: Intake stroke (0 * M_PI to 1 * M_PI)
C + D: Compression stroke (1 * M_PI to 2 * M_PI)
E + F + G: Expansion Power stroke (2 * M_PI to 3 * M_PI)
H + I: Exhaust stroke (3 * M_PI to 4 * M_PI)

The input of the Otto cycle relies on its output. That is to say, chamber expansion and compression in step B and D require the mechanical force provided by the torque created in step G. Since no system is truly perpetual, a secondary starter motor with a large gear ratio provides the initial compression and decompression torque. The starter motor then disconnects.

Piston inlet and outlet openness (lift) ratio is a 4-5-6-7 polynomial function of piston theta, where engage_r (in radians) determines at which point valve opening begins, and ramp_r the ramp length:

calc_lift_ratio(double theta_r, double engage_r, double ramp_r)
    double theta_mod_four_stroke_r = calc_theta_mod_four_stroke_r(theta_r);
    if(theta_mod_four_stroke_r > engage_r)
        double open_r = theta_mod_four_stroke_r - engage_r;
        double term1 = 35.0 * pow(open_r / ramp_r, 4.0);
        double term2 = 84.0 * pow(open_r / ramp_r, 5.0);
        double term3 = 70.0 * pow(open_r / ramp_r, 6.0);
        double term4 = 20.0 * pow(open_r / ramp_r, 7.0);
        return term1 - term2 + term3 - term4;
    return 0.0;

Where four stroke modulation is calculated as:

#define FOUR_STROKE_R (4.0 * M_PI)

calc_theta_mod_four_stroke_r(double theta_r)
    return fmod(theta_r, FOUR_STROKE_R);

While our model can be a piston connected to an atmospheric source and sink, engine sound and performance is greatly improved upon by adding intake and exhaust chambers. The intake chamber is a lump sum of the throttle chamber, plenum, and intake runner. Similarly, the exhaust chamber is a lump sum of the exhaust runner, collector, tailpipe, muffler. The lump sum can be further broken down into individual chamber components to achieve more accurate engine sounds and performance.

Defining the Chamber

Chambers are comprised of a volume (in cubic meters) and a gas:

struct chamber
    double volume_m3;
    struct gas gas;

A gas at rest is comprised of some mole count (in moles) and static temperature (in kelvins). The mole count specifies the amount of substance (think gas molecules) physically present in a chamber. The static temperature represents the average kinetic energy of the substance (think gas molecules) moving in any random direction while also being at rest in bulk to the observer.

struct gas
    double static_temperature_k;
    double moles;

The static pressure of the gas is derived from the ideal gas law:

#define R_J_PER_MOL_K 8.314

calc_static_pressure_pa(struct chamber* self)
    return (self->gas.moles * R_J_PER_MOL_K * self->gas.static_temperature_k) / self->volume_m3;

A chamber’s static pressure represents the average force of molecules against the inner walls of a chamber. Like with the static temperature definition, the velocity (in meters per second) of each gas molecules is random, and so the net bulk velocity of the gas is zero; the gas does not move in any particular direction like a cool breeze on a warm summer’s day. IICE’s are concerned with the movement of gas from intake to exhaust, and so a secondary one dimensional description of the moving gas in terms of bulk momentum (in kilogram meters per second) is needed to describe the corollary to static pressure and static temperature - total pressure and total temperature.

struct gas
    double static_temperature_k;
    double moles;
+   double bulk_momentum_kg_m_per_s;

Although to calculate total pressure and total temperature, the bulk velocity of the gas is to be derived from the bulk momentum of the gas. The mass of the gas requires that we know the molar mass (in kilogram per mol) of the gas. From the Otto cycle, the gasses present within any chamber are lumped into either air, fuel, or combusted. Their specific molar masses are defined as:

#define MOLAR_MASS_AIR_KG_PER_MOL 0.0289647
#define MOLAR_MASS_FUEL_KG_PER_MOL 0.11423

Updating the gas definition:

struct gas
    double static_temperature_k;
    double moles;
    double bulk_momentum_kg_m_per_s;
+   double combusted_ratio;
+   double air_ratio;
+   double fuel_ratio;

The molar mass of the chamber is then calculated as the sum of three:

calc_molar_mass_kg_per_mol(struct chamber* self)
    return self->gas.combusted_ratio * MOLAR_MASS_COMBUSTED_KG_PER_MOL
         + self->gas.air_ratio * MOLAR_MASS_AIR_KG_PER_MOL
         + self->gas.fuel_ratio * MOLAR_MASS_FUEL_KG_PER_MOL;

From the molar mass we can derive gas mass (in kilograms):

calc_mass_kg(struct chamber* self)
    return self->gas.moles * calc_molar_mass_kg_per_mol(self);

And gas density (in kilogram per meter cubed):

calc_density_kg_per_m3(struct chamber* self)
    return calc_mass_kg(self) / self->volume_m3;

And gas bulk velocity (in meters per second):

calc_bulk_velocity_m_per_s(struct chamber* self)
    return self->gas.bulk_momentum_kg_m_per_s / calc_mass_kg(self);

The dynamic pressure of the gas (in kelvin) is then defined as:

calc_dynamic_pressure_pa(struct chamber* self)
    return calc_density_kg_per_m3(self) * pow(calc_bulk_velocity_m_per_s(self), 2.0) / 2.0;

The total pressure of the gas the sum of dynamic and static pressure:

calc_total_pressure_pa(struct chamber* self)
    return calc_static_pressure_pa(self) + calc_dynamic_pressure_pa(self);

And the total temperature of the gas, while knowing the gamma of the gas, is derived as:

calc_total_temperature_k(struct chamber* self, double mach_number)
    return self->gas.static_temperature_k * (1.0 + (calc_gamma(self) - 1.0) / 2.0 * pow(mach_number, 2.0));

The gas gamma value (no dimensions) characterizes how a gas behaves during compression. A higher gamma gas generally compresses more easily than a lower gamma gas, and raises the temperature greater than that of a lower gamma gas, under the same compression scenario. The gamma calculation is similar to that of the molar mass calculation:

#define GAMMA_FUEL 1.15
#define GAMMA_AIR 1.4

calc_gamma(struct chamber* self)
    return self->gas.combusted_ratio * GAMMA_COMBUSTED
         + self->gas.air_ratio * GAMMA_AIR
         + self->gas.fuel_ratio * GAMMA_FUEL;

Compressing, or decompressing, the chamber to some new volume will respectively increase, or decrease, the static temperature of the gas:

compress_adiabatically(struct chamber* self, double new_volume_m3)
    self->gas.static_temperature_k *= pow(self->volume_m3 / new_volume_m3, calc_gamma(self) - 1.0);
    self->volume_m3 = new_volume_m3;

Defining Mach Number and Mass Flow Rates

Flow from chamber to chamber is dictated by the mach number, as introduced as mach_number in the total temperature function. A mach number less than 1.0 indicates subsonic flow, and a mach number equal to 1.0 indicates choked flow, or sonic flow. For purposes of IICE design, mach numbers greater than 1.0 indicated supersonic flow and will not be used. A clamp between 0.0 and 1.0 can be applied to the mach number calculation:

calc_mach_number(double total_pressure_upstream_pa, double total_pressure_downstream_pa, double gamma_downstream)
    double compression_ratio = total_pressure_upstream_pa / total_pressure_downstream_pa;
    return sqrt((pow(compression_ratio, gamma_downstream / (gamma_downstream - 1.0)) - 1.0) * (2.0 / (gamma_downstream - 1.0)));

Flow always occurs from the higher total pressure chamber to the lower total pressure chamber. An increase in cross sectional area between two chambers will linearly increase mass flow rate under steady state conditions:

calc_mass_flow_rate_kg_per_s(struct chamber* upstream, double mach_number, double cross_sectional_flow_area_m2)
    double term1 = cross_sectional_flow_area_m2 * calc_total_pressure_pa(upstream) / sqrt(calc_total_temperature_k(upstream, mach_number));
    double term2 = sqrt(calc_gamma(upstream) / calc_specific_gas_constant_j_per_kg_k(upstream)) * mach_number;
    double term3 = pow(1.0 + (calc_gamma(upstream) - 1.0) / 2.0 * pow(mach_number, 2.0), - (calc_gamma(upstream) + 1.0) / (2.0 * (calc_gamma(upstream) - 1.0)));
    return term1 * term2 * term3;

Where the gas constant of a chamber (in joules per kilogram kelvin) is defined as:

calc_specific_gas_constant_j_per_kg_k(struct chamber* self)
    return R_J_PER_MOL_K / calc_molar_mass_kg_per_mol(self);

Defining Mass Transfer Between Chambers

The instantaneous velocity of the gas in the nozzle is derived from the mass flow rate, total temperature, and total pressure of the flow:

calc_velocity_m_per_s(struct chamber* self, double mass_flow_rate_kg_per_s, double mach_number, double cross_sectional_flow_area_m2)
    double term1 = mass_flow_rate_kg_per_s * calc_specific_gas_constant_j_per_kg_k(self) * calc_total_temperature_k(self, mach_number);
    double term2 = calc_total_pressure_pa(self) * cross_sectional_flow_area_m2;
    return term1 / term2;

The instantaneous velocity does not dictate the bulk velocity of the gas in the upstream or downstream chambers, but serves to conserve momentum between the upstream and downstream chambers.

The mass flowed from chamber to chamber is then:

double mass_flowed_kg = mass_flow_rate_kg_per_s * DT_S;

And the bulk momentum flowed from chamber to chamber is then:

double bulk_momentum_flowed_kg_m_per_s = mass_flowed_kg * velocity_m_per_s;

Given a flow function, where flow always occurs from x to y, where x is the chamber with higher total pressure:

flow(struct chamber* x, struct chamber* y, double cross_sectional_flow_area_m2);

The bulk moles transferred from x to y is defined as:

double moles_flowed = mass_flowed_kg / calc_molar_mass_kg_per_mol(x);

And the moles of the two chambers are updated:

add_moles(x, -moles_flowed);
add_moles(y, +moles_flowed);


add_moles(struct chamber* self, const double delta_moles)
    double new_moles = self->gas.moles + delta_moles;
    double new_static_temperature_k = self->gas.static_temperature_k * pow(new_moles / self->gas.moles, (calc_gamma(self) - 1.0) / calc_gamma(self));
    self->gas.static_temperature_k = new_static_temperature_k;
    self->gas.moles = new_moles;

Adding moles to a chamber increases the chamber’s static temperature, which in turn increases the static pressure.

Momentum between chambers is then conserved by:

x->gas.bulk_momentum_kg_m_per_s -= bulk_momentum_flowed_kg_m_per_s;
y->gas.bulk_momentum_kg_m_per_s += bulk_momentum_flowed_kg_m_per_s;

Where extra consideration is taken to ensure the chamber’s gas momentum does not exceed the medium’s speed of sound.

The downstream chamber, assuming flow always occurs from x to y, has its air, fuel, and combusted ratios mixed with the inflowing gas:

y->gas.air_ratio = calc_weighted_average(y->gas.air_ratio, y->gas.moles, x->gas.air_ratio, moles_flowed);
y->gas.fuel_ratio = calc_weighted_average(y->gas.fuel_ratio, y->gas.moles, x->gas.fuel_ratio, moles_flowed);
y->gas.combusted_ratio = calc_weighted_average(y->gas.combusted_ratio, y->gas.moles, x->gas.combusted_ratio, moles_flowed);

The upstream chamber is not mixed. Thermal cooling (or heating) of the downstream gas also occurs:

y->gas.static_temperature_k = calc_weighted_average(y->gas.static_temperature_k, y->gas.moles, x->gas.static_temperature_k, moles_flowed);

Where the weighted average function is defined as:

calc_weighted_average(const double value1, const double weight1, const double value2, const double weight2)
    return (value1 * weight1 + value2 * weight2) / (weight1 + weight2);

Defining Direct Fuel Injection and Chamber Combustion

Direct fuel injection can be simplified to a lump addition model of fuel gas moles. The fuel is added instantaneously, at a balanced 14.7 parts air to 1 parts fuel, and the air, fuel, and combusted ratios are updated:

inject_directly(struct chamber* self)
    double air_fuel_ratio = 14.7;
    double current_air_moles = self->gas.moles * self->gas.air_ratio;
    double current_fuel_moles = self->gas.moles * self->gas.fuel_ratio;
    double current_combusted_moles = self->gas.moles * self->gas.combusted_ratio;
    double delta_fuel_moles = current_air_moles / air_fuel_ratio - current_fuel_moles;
    double new_air_moles = current_air_moles;
    double new_fuel_moles = current_fuel_moles + delta_fuel_moles;
    double new_combusted_moles = current_combusted_moles;
    add_moles(self, delta_fuel_moles);
    self->gas.air_ratio = new_air_moles / self->gas.moles;
    self->gas.fuel_ratio = new_fuel_moles / self->gas.moles;
    self->gas.combusted_ratio = new_combusted_moles / self->gas.moles;

With a chamber primed with injected fuel, and the chamber ignited from the top, the rate at which the combustion flame burns in the x and y direction (in meters per second) is defined as:

#define STP_PRESSURE_PA 101325.0
#define STP_TEMPERATURE_K 273.15

calc_flame_speed_m_per_s(struct chamber* self)
    double pressure_exponent = 1.7;
    double temperature_exponent = 1.2;
    double laminar_flame_speed_m_per_s = 0.4;
    return laminar_flame_speed_m_per_s
        * pow(calc_static_pressure_pa(self) / STP_PRESSURE_PA, pressure_exponent)
        * pow(self->gas.static_temperature_k / STP_TEMPERATURE_K, temperature_exponent);

Knowing the volume of the gas chamber burned for time step DT_S, the burned ratio is defined as:

double burned_ratio = volume_burned_m3 / chamber->volume_m3;

And the delta change in static temperature is defined as:


calc_delta_static_temperature_from_burned_afr_k(struct chamber* self, double burned_ratio)
    double burned_fuel_moles = self->gas.fuel_ratio * self->gas.moles * burned_ratio;
    double burned_fuel_mass_kg = burned_fuel_moles * calc_molar_mass_kg_per_mol(self);
    double energy_released_j = burned_fuel_mass_kg * GASOLINE_LOWER_HEATING_VALUE_J_PER_KG;
    return energy_released_j / (calc_mass_kg(self) * calc_specific_heat_capacity_at_constant_pressure_j_per_kg_k(self));


calc_specific_heat_capacity_at_constant_volume_j_per_kg_k(struct chamber* self)
    return calc_specific_gas_constant_j_per_kg_k(self) / (calc_gamma(self) - 1.0);

calc_specific_heat_capacity_at_constant_pressure_j_per_kg_k(struct chamber* self)
    return calc_gamma(self) * calc_specific_heat_capacity_at_constant_volume_j_per_kg_k(self);

The maximum allowable flame temperature is determined by the adiabatic flame temperature. Delta static temperature changes to a chamber’s static temperature may not exceed the adiabatic flame temperature. For model simplification, the standard atmospheric temperature is used as an approximation for initial temperature:

calc_adiabatic_flame_static_temperature_k(struct chamber* self)
    double air_fuel_ratio = self->gas.air_ratio / self->gas.fuel_ratio;
    double energy_density_j_per_kg = GASOLINE_LOWER_HEATING_VALUE_J_PER_KG / (1.0 + air_fuel_ratio);
    return STP_TEMPERATURE_K + energy_density_j_per_kg / calc_specific_heat_capacity_at_constant_pressure_j_per_kg_k(self);

Defining Piston Torque Generation

The added static temperature change from combustion directly raises the static pressure of the piston chamber. This change in pressure drives the piston head down, creating a torque that drives the camshaft, and thus, the engine.

Modifying the piston to support a combustion chamber:

struct piston
    double pin_x_m;
    double pin_y_m;
    double bearing_x_m;
    double bearing_y_m;
    double theta_r;
    double conrod_m;
    double conrod_crank_throw_m;
+   struct chamber chamber;
+   double head_radius_m;

The chamber volume and gas states are tracked internally to match the head radius, and updated per cycle. The torque produced by the gas within the piston (in newton meters) is defined as:

calc_gas_torque_nm(struct piston* self)
    double area_m2 = calc_circle_area_m2(self->head_radius_m);
    double term1 = calc_static_gauge_pressure_pa(&self->chamber) * area_m2 * self->conrod_crank_throw_m * sin(self->theta_r);
    double term2 = 1.0 + (self->conrod_crank_throw_m / self->conrod_m) * cos(self->theta_r);
    return term1 * term2;


calc_circle_area_m2(double radius_m)
    return M_PI * pow(radius_m, 2.0);
calc_static_gauge_pressure_pa(struct chamber* self)
    return calc_static_pressure_pa(self) - STP_PRESSURE_PA;

Note that while a huge positive spike in torque is created during combustion, a negative torque is created during compression. A weak starter motor, for instance, may struggle to provide enough torque to counter the initial gas torque created during the compression stroke.

A piston moving at a high speed, especially a piston head with decent mass, creates inertia torque (in newton meters). Modifying the piston to support inertia torque:

struct piston
    double pin_x_m;
    double pin_y_m;
    double bearing_x_m;
    double bearing_y_m;
    double theta_r;
    double conrod_m;
    double conrod_crank_throw_m;
    struct chamber chamber;
    double head_radius_m;
+   double conrod_mass_kg;
+   double head_mass_kg;

The moment of inertia (in kilograms per meters squared) can be simplified as that of a reciprocating mass:

calc_moment_of_inertia_kg_per_m2(struct piston* self)
    double mass_reciprocating_kg = self->head_mass_kg + 0.5 * self->conrod_mass_kg;
    double term1 = 1.0;
    double term2 = self->conrod_crank_throw_m / (4.0 * self->conrod_m);
    double term3 = pow(self->conrod_crank_throw_m, 2.0) / (8.0 * pow(self->conrod_m, 2.0));
    return mass_reciprocating_kg * pow(self->conrod_crank_throw_m, 2.0) * (term1 + term2 + term3);

And the inertia torque:

calc_inertia_torque_nm(struct piston* self, double angular_velocity_r_per_s)
    double term1 = 0.25 * sin(1.0 * self->theta_r) * self->conrod_crank_throw_m / self->conrod_m;
    double term2 = 0.50 * sin(2.0 * self->theta_r);
    double term3 = 0.75 * sin(3.0 * self->theta_r) * self->conrod_crank_throw_m / self->conrod_m;
    return calc_moment_of_inertia_kg_per_m2(self) * pow(angular_velocity_r_per_s, 2.0) * (term1 - term2 - term3);

The total torque produced by the piston is then:

double total_torque_nm = calc_moment_of_inertia_kg_per_m2(piston) + calc_inertia_torque_nm(piston, angular_velocity_r_per_s);

Defining Engine Angular Velocity

The angular acceleration (in radians per second squared) supplied to the engine is:

double angular_acceleration_r_per_s2 = total_torque_nm / total_engine_moment_of_inertia_kg_per_m2;

Where the total engine moment of inertia accounts for the flywheel and piston. The flywheel moment of inertia is defined as:

double flywheel_moment_of_inertia_kg_per_m2 = 0.5 * mass_flywheel_kg * pow(radius_flywheel_m, 2.0);

Angular velocity is then updated by angular acceleration multiplied by the time step:

angular_velocity_r_per_s += angular_acceleration_r_per_s2 * DT_S;

For an IICE with more than one piston, the torques and moment of inertias for each piston are simply added together.

Defining Sound

Total pressure in the exhaust chamber can be sampled and outputted to the sound card at 44100Hz in 512 byte samples. The audio buffer size can vary, but 512 bytes at 44100Hz is roughly 90Hz, which allows for engine interaction and readings to occur almost 50% faster than your average 60fps game loop.


Unavailable! But check back for future updates on engine modelling, particullary a (hopeful) attempt at a V-config.