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A recent round of small projects left me rewriting the same set of linked lists and resizable arrays for a myriad of types. While enjoyable to most C programmers, rewriting the same data structure is definitely a time sink, and the conventional approach of encapsulating void pointers is slow and prone to type errors.

The gist to effective compile time polymorphism lies within the preprocessor:

#define T int

T sum(T* array, size_t size)
    T total = 0;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
        total += array[i];
    return total;

The caveat being, names require a type signature, expanding the above to int int_sum(int* array, size_t size):

#define CAT(a, b) a##b
#define PASTE(a, b) CAT(a, b)
#define JOIN(prefix, name) PASTE(prefix, PASTE(_, name))

#define T int

T JOIN(T, sum)(T* array, size_t size)
    T total = 0;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
        total += array[i];
    return total;

Wrapping the sum function as a static inline into a single header named sum.h yields an infinite number of expansion possibilities (granted, T is undefined within sum.h):

#define CAT(a, b) a##b
#define PASTE(a, b) CAT(a, b)
#define JOIN(prefix, name) PASTE(prefix, PASTE(_, name))

#define T int
#include "sum.h"

#define T float
#include "sum.h"

#define T double
#include "sum.h"

#define T char
#include "sum.h"

I pushed this concept to the extreme, and backported the core of the C++11 STL to ISO C99/C11. As per a measure of safety, each push to master or staging kicks off a 3 hour test suite which randomly runs each container function against the STL and checks for inconsistencies. As of writing, unordered_set is not implemented - the holidays has effectively put me in vacation mode, but have yourself a look.