This post will outline a generic solution to lists, queues, and stacks in C99.

Doubly Linked Lists

The eternal memory allocator, malloc, being declared as:

void* malloc(size_t size);

yields a plugin to a generic node datatype:

typedef struct Node
    void* data;
    struct Node* a;
    struct Node* b;

A node points to data allocated by malloc, and is doubly linked to data allocated by malloc with both next (b) and previous (a) pointers. (The naming is generic, as the Node data type will be reused for left and right for trees in a later post).

Building a node reserves space for itself, and initializes data given by malloc:

Node* Node_Init(void* data)
    Node* node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
    node->data = data;
    node->b = NULL;
    node->a = NULL;
    return node;

The doubly linked list points to the head and tail of the list. A destructor will define the cleanup method for each node. This destructor callback is only used when the list is freed. The size variable indicates the number of nodes in the list.

typedef void (*Destruct)(void* data);

typedef struct
    Node* head;
    Node* tail;
    Destruct destruct;
    size_t size;

List* List_Init(Destruct destruct)
    List* self = malloc(sizeof(*self));
    self->head = NULL;
    self->tail = NULL;
    self->size = 0;
    self->destruct = destruct;
    return self;

Inserting a new node into the list can be done at the head or tail of the list. The End enum is superfluous, as it may simply be replaced with a boolean, but its intent will make the later definitions of queues and stacks a little more readable.

typedef enum

void List_Push(List* self, void* data, End end)
    Node* node = Node_Init(data);
    if(self->size == 0)
        self->head = node;
        self->tail = node;
        if(end == HEAD)
            node->b = self->head;
            node->b->a = node;
            self->head = node;
        if(end == TAIL)
            node->a = self->tail;
            node->a->b = node;
            self->tail = node;
    self->size += 1;

Popping an element from the list is done on a per node basis. This gives us the flexibility to loop through and delete all nodes within in the list, or simply look up the head and tail nodes and pop those. A destroy callback internally cleans up node data.

void* List_Pop(List* self, Node* node, bool destroy)
    Node* a = node->a;
    Node* b = node->b;
    void* data = node->data;
    if(node == self->head) self->head = b;
    if(node == self->tail) self->tail = a;
    if(a) a->b = b;
    if(b) b->a = a;
        data = NULL;
    self->size -= 1;
    return data;

All operations on lists are done with loops. A single loop function with a programmable callback defines actions to be done on nodes. That is, the list iteration callback can stop or continue at some node, or entirely delete the contents of some node.

typedef enum

typedef Action (*Iterate)(void* data, void* args);

The optional args void pointer is used for further extending the functionality of the iteration callback:

Node* List_For(List* self, Iterate iterate, void* args)
    Node* node = self->head;
        Node* b = node->b;
        switch(iterate(node->data, args))
            case DELETE:
                List_Pop(self, node, true);
            case CONTINUE:
            case STOP:
                return node;
        node = b;
    return NULL;

Clearing the list pops the head until the size of the list is 0:

void List_Clear(List* self)
    while(self->size > 0)
        List_Pop(self, self->head, true);

Freeing the list calls free, but ensures the list is cleared prior:

void List_Free(List* self)

Sorting is best left to the standard library’s quick sort since list indexing is an O(n) operation. This is accomplished by copying only the data pointers to a cache. The cache is then sorted and placed back - in order - in place of the previous node data pointers.

typedef int (*Compare)(const void*, const void* b);

void Sort(List* list, Compare compare)
    void** cache = malloc(list->size * sizeof(*cache));
    int32_t index = 0;
    for(Node* node = list->head; node; node = node->next)
        cache[index++] = node->data;
    qsort(cache, list->size, sizeof(*cache), compare);
    index = 0;
    for(Node* node = list->head; node; node = node->next)
        node->data = cache[index++];

Although some cache misses may arise due to non-contiguous nature of list nodes allocations, node data pointer swapping is cheap, and the data itself is not moved which is highly benificial to game engines, for instance, where data pieces reference one another with pointers.


The doubly linked list excelt in generic settings, given data is always allocated by malloc (note free is passed as the destructor for free as no internal cleanup is required):

List* list = List_Init(free);
for(int i = 0; i < 42; i++)
    int* temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
    *temp = i;
    List_Push(list, temp, TAIL);

A printing function to print integers is defined as (note that CONTINUE is returned such that all elements are printed):

Action Print(void* data, void* args)
    (void) args;
    int* integer = data;
    printf("%d\n", *integer);
    return CONTINUE;

And used as:

List_For(list, Print, NULL);

Use of args is pretty much universal, but an example to sum the contents of a list is defined as:

Action Sum(void* data, void* args)
    int* integer = data;
    int* total = args;
    *total += *integer;
    return CONTINUE;

And used as:

int total = 0;
List_For(list, Sum, &total);

Searching the list for elements that may exist is done similarly - STOP may be used to return the first node found:

Action Find(void* data, void* args)
    int* integer = data;
    int* key = args;
    if(*integer == *key)
        return STOP;
        return CONTINUE;

Used as:

int key = 42;
Node* data = List_For(list, Find, &key);
if(data != NULL)
    // FOUND.

And of course, deleting all elements matching a key can be done with the above, but simply swap out

return STOP;

for the alternate:

return DELETE;

The above doubly linked list example used integers, but any object allocated by malloc can be used. An employee, for instance, marked by name, salary, and an Orewellian ID can just be easily inserted into a new list, searched for by name, deleted, printed, and so on:

typedef struct
    char* name;
    int salary;
    int id;

Person* Person_Init(char* name, int salary, int id)
    Person* person = malloc(sizeof(*person));
    person->name = name;
    person->salary = salary;
    person->id = id;
    return person;

Action Find(void* data, void* args)
    Person* person = data;
    if(strcmp(person->name, args) == 0)
        return STOP;
        return CONTINUE;


List* list = List_Init(free);
List_Push(list, Person_Init("Paul Desmond", INT32_MAX, rand()), TAIL);


Node* found = List_For(list, Find, "John Coltrane");



The doubly linked list, being as flexible as it is, just needs a couple renames to build a queue.

#define Queue_Init(destruct) List_Init(destruct)
#define Queue_Free(self) List_Free(self)
#define Queue_Enqueue(self, data) List_Push(self, data, TAIL)
#define Queue_Dequeue(self) List_Pop(self, self->head, false)
#define Queue_Peek(self) (self->head->data);


And of course, a stack is that of a queue, but popping (dequeues) are done from the same end as the pushing (enqueues):

#define Stack_Init(destruct) List_Init(destruct)
#define Stack_Free(self) List_Free(self)
#define Stack_Push(self, data) List_Push(self, data, TAIL)
#define Stack_Pop(self) List_Pop(self, self->tail, false)
#define Stack_Peek(self) (self->tail->data)